We are excited to start having our indoor services on this Sunday November 29th. We will start service at our regular time of 10 am. We ask that you send the church an email to our email address ( to let us know if you and your family plan to attend service each week, and how many in your family, just so we can have an idea of how many people will be joining us. This is to make sure we have enough volunteers each Sunday. We do have a limited amount of seating. Based on health regulations, there are some protocols that we have put in place in order to make everyone feels comfortable and safe to return for indoor service. If you do not feel comfortable returning for indoor services, we will continue to have our online service for the foreseeable future. I will highlight roughly what a service will look like on Sunday morning:
1. When you arrive someone will greet you outside to ask you some Covid 19 related questions such as:
A) Have you been outside Canada in the past 2 weeks?
B) Do you have any of the following symptoms: Fever, chills, new cough, sore throat, runny nose, excessive tiredness or just generally not feeling well?
C) Have you had close contact with anyone who has a confirmed or probably case of Covid 19?
If you answer no to these questions, you are welcome to join us for indoor services. If you answer yes to any of these questions we ask that you join us for our online worship service instead of our in person worship service, until your symptoms subside. This is for everyone's safety.
2. Everyone will be asked to wear a mask while inside the church. Children under 2 years old are not required to wear a mask. You will be asked to take all of your possessions with you to your seat (coat, boots, bags etc.) You may hang your coat on the back of your chair.
3. As you enter the church you will be asked to sanitize your hands and someone will show you to your seat. We ask that everyone stay in their seats unless you have to use the washrooms and please exit the Sanctuary through the exit door (close to the coat racks) and enter the Sanctuary through the doors by the washrooms.
During service, as per health guidelines, we have put a few protocols into place:
1. Masks will be worn at all times (If you are unable to wear a mask, we ask that you join us for our online services instead).
2. Please remain 6 feet away from people outside your family. Please no handshaking or hugging, as much as we all want too. :)
3. Except when necessary (ie. if you need to use the washroom) please remain by your seat for the entire service.
4. Each washroom is open, but please only use the washroom one at a time, sanitary wipes are available for use. Please knock on the washroom door before entering to make sure no one is using the bathroom.
5. Following current local health regulations, there will be no singing or shouting while in the building. This is to reduce any airborne viruses. Humming and clapping or dancing in your seat are encouraged!
6. There will be no Sunday School, Children's time, or refreshments during or after service, at this time.
7. We will not be having communion for now, but we may have communion for our online services that you can join in.
8. There will be an offering box at the back of the sanctuary where you can deposit your offering after the service has concluded.
9. We ask that you do not fellowship with each other after service in the building, but instead gather together in the parking lot, while remaining 6 feet apart.
10. We ask that you do not bring food or drink with you to service as we don't want people pulling their masks up and down several times during service.
11. For those with small children, we suggest you bring an activity bag for them to use during service.
12. There will be arrows on the floor to guide you to and from the Sanctuary.
13. We will be sanitizing the chairs in between services.
If you could come around 10 minutes early for service this would help to make sure that there is not a rush for everyone entering the building at the same time at 10 am.